§1. General provisions

  1. These Regulations specify the conditions for the provision of mail order services by the Seller

  2. You can contact the Seller

§2. Sale

  1. The Seller provides Customers with a distance sales service of Goods

  2. The goods are each time presented in an offer prepared on the basis of the received request for quotation, in accordance with §3 of the Regulations.

  3. The subject of the Sales Agreement includes the Seller's obligation to transfer ownership of the Goods to the Customer and deliver them in accordance with §5 of the Regulations, and the Customer's obligation to collect the Goods and pay the Seller the price of the Goods, in accordance with §4 of the Regulations.

  4. By concluding a Sales Agreement, the Seller undertakes to provide the Customer with Goods without defects.

  5. The deadline for releasing the Goods is 5 business days, plus the delivery deadline, which is usually 1 business day from the moment the shipment is received by the Carrier.

  6. The Sales Agreement is concluded in Polish, with content consistent with the Regulations.

  7. §3. Orders

    1. Orders are processed on the basis of customer inquiries and an offer prepared by the Seller.

    2. Requests for quotation can be submitted:

      1. via the contact form on the website:
      2. by message sent to the e-mail address:
      3. by telephone at: 91 418 24 35
    3. When submitting a request for quotation, the Customer is obliged to provide:

      1. Name and surname, NIP number and address for delivery of the Goods
      2. contact details including e-mail address and telephone number,
    4. After the Seller receives the request for quotation, an offer is prepared.

    5. The offer is sent by e-mail, in the form of a proforma invoice, along with these Regulations.

    6. In order to conclude a Sales Agreement, the Customer is obliged to confirm the will to conclude it by paying the received proforma invoice.

    7. Acceptance of the Seller's offer by the Customer, subject to changes, is considered a new offer requiring acceptance by the Seller in order to conclude a Sales Agreement.

    8. Confirmation of acceptance of the order is tantamount to the Customer's acceptance of the offer to conclude a Sales Agreement submitted by the Seller.

§4. Payments

  1. The value of payment for Sales is determined based on the price list of the Goods included in the Seller's offer.

  2. The prices given in the offer are gross prices in Polish zloty and include the value of taxes due.

  3. The costs of transaction and delivery of the Goods are borne by the Customer.

  4. The Seller allows payment for the provided Sales services to be made by bank transfer to the Seller's bank account.

  5. The customer is obliged to pay within 2 days of receiving the proforma invoice.

  6. The payment is refunded by the Seller immediately, no later than within 14 days from the date of the cause, in the event of: 

    1. withdrawal from the contract by the Consumer,
    2. the Seller's recognition of the claim covered by the complaint in whole or in part, pursuant to generally applicable regulations.
  7. The payment is refunded to the bank account from which the previous payment was made.

  8. The Seller is not obliged to refund additional costs of delivery of the Goods incurred by the Customer if the Customer has chosen a delivery method other than the cheapest regular delivery method offered by the Seller.

§5. Delivery

  1. The Goods are delivered to the address provided by the Customer, via the Carrier

    1. InPost Sp. z o. o.
    2. Geodis Road Network Sp. z o. o.
    3. Rohlig Suus Logistics S.A.
  2. Detailed information about delivery costs is included in the offer.

  3. The delivery time of the Goods to the Customer is usually 1 business day. The given deadline should include the deadline for delivering the Goods to the Carrier, which is 5 business days from the date of payment of the proforma invoice.

  4. Confirmation of the release of the Goods to the Carrier for delivery may be made by sending an e-mail to the Customer's e-mail address.

  5. The risk of accidental loss or damage to the item passes to the Consumer upon its delivery to the Consumer.

  6. If the Customer chooses the delivery option via a Carrier, it is recommended that the delivered shipment be examined by the Customer in the presence of the Carrier.

  7. If damage to the shipment is found, we recommend filing a complaint directly with the Carrier - it is best to write down a shipment status report with the Carrier or contact the Seller. When delivering by parcel locker, we recommend showing the damage under the parcel locker's monitoring camera; place the damaged, unopened parcel in the same Parcel Locker box where it was located and close this box, in accordance with the messages on the Parcel Locker screen. Then, you should submit a complaint to the owner of a given parcel locker, in accordance with the messages on the parcel locker screen or the Seller. 

§6. Complaints – non-compliance with the contract

  1. Complaints may be submitted due to non-compliance of the service provided with the contract, in accordance with applicable law, in particular in accordance with the provisions of Art. 43 b) et seq. of the Act of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights.

  2. Complaints may be submitted by letter or e-mail to the postal or electronic address of the Seller. They can be submitted using the form, the template of which is attached to the Regulations, but this is not obligatory.

  3. It is recommended to include in the content of the complaint:

    1. the Consumer's contact details, which will be used to respond to the complaint and conduct related correspondence,
    2. the Consumer's bank account number, which will be used to refund the funds in the event of such a circumstance,
    3. description of the problem and identification data of the Consumer.
  4. If the complaint concerns Goods that are an item, in order for the complaint to be considered by the Seller, the Consumer is obliged to deliver or send the complained Goods to the Seller's address, at the Seller's expense.

  5. The Seller recognizes complaints within 14 days from the date of notification.

  6. The Seller will inform the Consumer about how to resolve the received complaint electronically or by regular mail, depending on the Consumer's will or the method of filing a complaint.

  7. If the complaint concerns Goods which, after considering the complaint, are sent to the Consumer, the Seller will deliver or send the Goods to the Consumer's address at its own expense.

  8. Refund in connection with a complaint will be made by transfer to a bank account or by postal order, in accordance with the Consumer's will.

§7. Out-of-court handling of complaints and pursuing claims

  1. The consumer has the opportunity to use the following out-of-court methods of dealing with complaints and pursuing claims:

    1. submitting an application for resolution of a dispute arising from the concluded Sales Agreement to a permanent consumer arbitration court operating at the Trade Inspection, whose address, due to its jurisdiction, can be determined via the website of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, located at the URL https://www.uokik.,
    2. submitting an application to initiate mediation proceedings regarding the amicable settlement of the dispute between the Consumer and the Seller to the voivodeship inspector of the Trade Inspection, whose address, due to its jurisdiction, can be determined via the website of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, located at the URL https://www.,
    3. using the help of a district or municipal consumer ombudsman or a social organization whose statutory tasks include consumer protection,
    4. submitting a complaint via the EU ODR online platform, available at the URL, in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on online consumer dispute resolution and amending Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC.
  2. Detailed information about the procedure for out-of-court complaint handling and redress, as well as the rules of access to these procedures, can be found at the offices and on the websites of the entities listed in point 1.

  3. A list of entities and institutions that carry out tasks related to out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes and detailed information on this subject can be found on the website of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, available at the URL


§8. Withdrawal from the contract

  1. A Customer who is a Consumer or an Entrepreneur with consumer rights may withdraw from the Sales Agreement without giving a reason within 14 days, subject to the standards specified in the information on withdrawal from the contract, which constitutes an annex to the Regulations.

  2. You may withdraw from the contract by submitting a declaration of withdrawal to the Seller. The declaration may be submitted on a form, the template of which is attached to the Regulations.

  3. Immediately, but no later than within 14 days from the date on which the Customer withdrew from the contract, he is obliged to return the Goods to the Seller or hand them over to a person authorized by the Seller. To meet the deadline, it is enough to return the Goods before its expiry. This provision does not apply if the Seller has offered to collect the Goods himself.

  4. The Customer is liable for any reduction in the value of the Goods resulting from using them in a manner that goes beyond what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Goods.

  5. In the event of withdrawal from the contract, it is deemed not to have been concluded. If the Customer submitted a declaration of withdrawal from the contract before the Seller accepted his offer, the offer ceases to be binding.


   §9. Processing of personal data

  1. We process personal data necessary to prepare an offer and implement the concluded contract, and then to fulfill our obligations

  2. The processing of this data is based on Art. 6 point 1 letter b) and c) GDPR.

  3. During and after the execution of the contract, we process personal data of the party to the contract for the purpose of possible consideration of claims, as well as
    their investigations. Our legitimate interest is, for example, the ability to respond to a possible complaint, to
    what we are obliged to do under separate provisions of civil law. In such a case, we will process personal data in
    based on the legitimate interest of defending against possible claims or pursuing them. Processing of this data
    is carried out pursuant to Art. 6 point 1 letter f) GDPR.

  4. We will store this data for the period necessary to achieve the specified purposes, no later than until the claims expire
    resulting from separate legal provisions.

  5. Customers have the right to access their data, rectify it, delete it, limit processing, and the right to transfer it
    data, as well as the right to lodge a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Office. supervisory authority. In the event of data processing for the purpose of
    specified in point 3, Customers also have the right to object to their processing.

  6. Providing this data is voluntary, but failure to provide this data will prevent the conclusion of the contract or its implementation.

  7. The recipients of this data are transport service providers, our hosting provider, accounting services and software providers
    invoice handling, as well as banks. Detailed data of recipients can be found in art. 6 of the privacy policy, available on the website
    • Transport service provider/couriers: InPost S.A., ul. Wielicka 28, 30-552 Kraków; Geodis Road Network Sp. z o. o., Składowa 1, 62-
    023 Koninko; "Rohlig Suus Logistics S.A.", ul. Parallel 4 A, 02-235 Warszawa.
    • Hosting provider: Cyber_Folks S.A., ul. Franklina Roosevelta 22, 60-829 Poznań.
    • E-mail service provider: Cyber_Folks S.A., ul. Franklina Roosevelta 22, 60-829 Poznań.
    • Accounting services provider: Mamzer Krystyna Accounting Office, ul. I Brygady Legionów 11/5, 72-100 Goleniów.
    • Supplier of invoice processing software: Asseco Business Solutions S.A., ul. Konrada Wallenroda 4c, 20-607 Lublin.
    • Legal / Advisory / Debt Collection Service Provider – These service providers are appointed on a case by case basis
    every time you need it.
    • Banking service provider: Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A., ul. Grzybowska 53/57, 00-844 Warszawa; Alior Bank Spółka Akcyjna, ul.
    Łopuszańska 38D, 02-232 Warszawa.; Powszechna Kasa Oszczedności Bank Polski S.A., ul. Puławska 15, 02-515 Warsaw

§10. Final provisions

  1. Changes to the Regulations may occur due to changes in legal provisions relating to the subject of the provision of services, as well as due to changes
    technical or organizational matters relating to the services provided by the Seller.

  2. The change to the Regulations does not apply to Sales contracts concluded before the date of its change.

  3. The meaning of terms written with a capital letter is consistent with the explanations included in the section describing the definitions used in the Regulations.

  4. The Seller is not responsible for:

        5.  If it is not possible to resolve the dispute amicably between the Seller and a Customer who is not a Consumer or A consumer not residing in the territory of the Republic                 of Poland in  circumstances where such a possibility is permitted by its regulations
            national law, the court having jurisdiction over the Seller's registered office shall be deemed competent to resolve the matter.

       6. In relation to Customers who are not Consumers or to Consumers not residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland in
           if the provisions of their national law allow for such a possibility, as the law applicable to the performance of the contract concluded with
           The law of the Republic of Poland applies to the Seller and to resolve any disputes related thereto

       7.  The provisions of the Regulations are not intended to exclude or limit the rights of the Customer who is a Consumer arising from the provisions of local generally                           applicable law. The consumer cannot waive them.

       8.  In relation to contracts concluded with the Seller, in the event of non-compliance of the Regulations with the provisions of generally applicable law the Consumer's                         country, the provisions of law generally applicable in the Consumer's country shall apply.

     9.  If the provisions of the Regulations turn out to be invalid or ineffective, this fact shall not affect the validity and effectiveness other provisions of the Regulations. Instead of            invalid or ineffective provisions, the norm corresponding to that what the parties have agreed or what they would have agreed if they had included such a provision in the              Regulations.

§11. Definitions used in the regulations

A client is a natural person, provided that he or she has full legal capacity or limited legal capacity
cases regulated by generally applicable law or provided that the consent of the legal representative is obtained, a
also a legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality, for which the provisions of generally applicable law apply
grant legal capacity which concludes a service provision agreement with the Seller.
A consumer is a customer who is a natural person and concludes a contract for purposes not directly related to his/her business.
economic or professional.
An entrepreneur with consumer rights is a Customer who is an entrepreneur who orders Goods related to his/her business.
business activity, but not of a professional nature for him, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions resulting from Art
in particular regarding the subject of his business activity pursuant to the provisions on the Central Registration and Information
Business activities, in accordance with applicable law.
A carrier is an entity providing Goods delivery services in cooperation with the Seller.
The Regulations are these contractual terms and conditions, the subject of which is the provision of mail order services by the Seller to Customers.
The seller is Dariusz Popiel, running a business under the name GLAS-PAK DARIUSZ POPIEL LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, based in Goleniów (72-100)
at ul. Maszewska 22, registered in the Central Registration and Information on Economic Activity kept by the Minister of Development, under
NIP number 8561932969 and REGON number 526500221. The Seller can be contacted by phone: 914182435 and using
e-mail address:
Sales is a service of sale of Goods provided by the Seller to the Customer, the subject of which is the Seller's obligation to
transfer of ownership of the Goods to the Customer and their release, and the Customer's obligation to collect the Goods and pay the Seller the specified price.
A Goods is an item presented in an offer for the purpose of Sale.





The provisions contained in this instruction regarding the right to withdraw from the contract by Consumers apply to the person
natural person, concluding a contract directly related to its business activity, when the content of this contract shows that it does not have any for this person
professional nature, resulting in particular from the subject of her business activity, made available on the basis of
provisions on the Central Registration and Information on Business.
You may withdraw from the contract concluded with us within 14 days without giving any reason. The deadline to withdraw from the contract expires
after 14 days from the date on which you came into possession of the item or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you
came into possession of the thing.
In order to meet the deadline for withdrawal from the contract, it is enough for you to send information regarding the exercise of your right
withdraw from the contract before the deadline for withdrawal expires.
To exercise the right to withdraw from the contract, you must inform us: GLAS-PAK DARIUSZ POPIEL LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, ul. Maszewska 22, 72-100
Goleniów, e-mail:, about your decision to withdraw from this contract by means of an unambiguous statement (e.g. a letter
sent by post or e-mail).
When withdrawing from the contract, you may use the model withdrawal form, but this is not obligatory. Standard form
is attached to the Regulations.



Following withdrawal from the contract, you will receive all payments received from you, including the costs of delivering the goods (z
additional product information through an insertion device other than the least expensive usual delivery method
offered by us), in each case no later than 14 days from the day on which we received notification of your decision to
exercising the right to withdraw from the contract.
Refund of payments made to the bank account from which the payment was made. Protect yourself against payment being refunded until received
The item or the time you provide us with proof of its return, whichever occurs first.
If you receive items in connection with the contract, please send them back or leave them to us at the following address: GLAS-PAK DARIUSZ POPIEL LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, ul.
Maszewska 22, 72-100 Goleniów, event, and in any case no later than 14 days from the date on which you requested us to withdraw
from the contract contract. The deadline is met if you return the item before the 14-day deadline.
Please be advised that we will have to bear the direct costs of return. If, due to his nature, he cannot stay in
Usually the way you send back, you will have to bear the direct costs of returning the items. The amount of these costs is estimated
maximum in the area of ​​approximately PLN 200.00.
They are only responsible to the state for the principle of applying the value of things from use in a different way than was necessary for the use
the nature, characteristics and functioning of things.





(this form should be completed and returned only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)

Addressee: GLAS-PAK DARIUSZ POPIEL LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, ul. Maszewska 22, 72-100 Goleniów |
I/We(*) hereby inform(*) about my/our withdrawal from the sales contract for the following items:
Date of conclusion of contract(*)/acceptance(*):
First name and last name:

(only if the form is sent in paper version)

(*) Delete as appropriate.



(this form can be completed and returned if you wish to file a warranty complaint)

Addressee: GLAS-PAK DARIUSZ POPIEL LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, ul. Maszewska 22, 72-100 Goleniów

Customer's name and surname: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Customer address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Customer's telephone number: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Customer's e-mail address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The contact details that will be used to respond to the complaint and conduct related correspondence are:

 postal address:

 e-mail address:

The complaint concerns the sales contract of: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 sales contract of __________ of goods:

 contracts for the provision of another service:

 other:

The complaint concerns the goods/s: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date of determining the cause of the complaint_______________________________________________________________________________________________

Description of the problem: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Complaint request:

 removal of the defect of the goods or services

 replacing the goods with those free from defects

 lowering the price of the goods

 withdrawal from the contract


Signature of the submitter:

















Contact us!

Complete the short form and specify your needs and we will contact you shortly or call us now:

91 418 24 35